Howdy Friends! Welcome to my Courtyard!

A place to; smell the flowers, feel the fibers, taste the produce, and watch the sky. Please have a seat under The Mesquite Tree and relax!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

"All my life's a circle sunrise to sundown!" Harry Chapen

My dear sister, Mary Jane, made this for me.  I am
so in love with this felted wreath.  She spent weeks searching
Salvation Army stores for felt able sweaters.  Then she started
the cut-felt-cut-felt process.  The flower variety and color
just make me feel happy and loved.  Thank God for little

I am starting Lucy's Yarn bag over on Attic 24.  She is amazing.  

Another group of circles, my face, hat, glasses and cowl.

I am ready to start going up the sides! For the last week I've been able to sit in the sun and
crochet for 2 hours a day.  Life is good!  I love Tucson winters.